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저자명 구분 논문제목 ISSN IF 발행일자
김재중 SCIE Protective Role of miR-34c in Hypoxia by Activating Autophagy through BCL2 Repression 1016-8478 5.034 2022-06-30
이동호 SCIE What Type of Incision for Anterior Cervical Spine Surgery Involving Long Segments Can Bring Better Cosmetic and Functional Outcomes? 2586-6583 3.492 2022-06-30
정석훈 SSCI Adaptation and Validation of the Malay Version of the Stress and Anxiety to Viral Epidemics-6 Items Scale Among the General Population 1664-0640 4.157 2022-06-30
김범준 SCIE Decreased Serum Level of Sclerostin in Older Adults with Sarcopenia 2093-596X 4.010 2022-06-30
김범준 KCI등재 Effects of muscles on bone metabolism-with a focus on myokines 1229-2397 2022-06-30
김선휴 KCI등재 Errors in pediatric death certificates issued in an emergency department 2383-4897 2022-06-30
이세원 SCIE Gene-Based Diagnosis of Tuberculosis from Oral Swabs with a New Generation Pathogen Enrichment Technique 2165-0497 7.171 2022-06-29
한명월 SCIE Tristetraprolin regulates phagocytosis through interaction with CD47 in head and neck cancer 1792-0981 2.447 2022-06-29
김승후 SCIE Tristetraprolin regulates phagocytosis through interaction with CD47 in head and neck cancer 1792-0981 2.447 2022-06-29
김원영 SCIE Alpha-power in electroencephalography as good outcome predictor for out?of?hospital cardiac arrest survivors 2045-2322 4.379 2022-06-28
문경민 SCIE How Many Private Data Are Needed for Deep Learning in Lung Nodule Detection on CT Scans? A Retrospective Multicenter Study 2072-6694 6.639 2022-06-28
염미선 SCIE Alpha-power in electroencephalography as good outcome predictor for out?of?hospital cardiac arrest survivors 2045-2322 4.379 2022-06-28
김성훈 SCIE Outcomes of Empirical Treatment With Intravenous Immunoglobulin G Combined With Low-Dose Aspirin in Women With Unexplained Recurrent Pregnancy Loss 1011-8934 2.153 2022-06-27
김호철 SCIE Prognostic implication of bronchoalveolar lavage fluid analysis in patients with Pneumocystis jirovecii pneumonia without human immunodeficiency virus infection 1471-2466 3.317 2022-06-26
김대열 SCIE Neuroprotective Effect of Macrophage Migration Inhibitory Factor (MIF) in a Mouse Model of Ischemic Stroke 1422-0067 5.923 2022-06-23
박도현 SCIE Effect of Novel Gastro-Duodenal Flow Restrictor on Relative Weight Loss and Glucose Levels in a Porcine Model A Pilot Randomized Study 2072-6643 5.717 2022-06-21
신동명 SCIE The CDK1/TFCP2L1/ID2 cascade offers a novel combination therapy strategy in a preclinical model of bladder cancer 1226-3613 8.718 2022-06-21
손재경 SCIE The CDK1/TFCP2L1/ID2 cascade offers a novel combination therapy strategy in a preclinical model of bladder cancer 1226-3613 8.718 2022-06-21
홍범식 SCIE The CDK1/TFCP2L1/ID2 cascade offers a novel combination therapy strategy in a preclinical model of bladder cancer 1226-3613 8.718 2022-06-21
박혜순 KCI등재후보 고도 비만 환자에서 위소매절제술 후 성별ㆍ연령군별 체중변화 및 대사 지표 추적에 대한 12개월 후향적 코호트 연구 2233-9019 2022-06-20