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    1. Kidney sparing surgery in upper tract urothelial carcinoma: paradigm change in surgical treatment for ureter cancer [ JOURNAL OF CANCER RESEARCH AND CLINICAL ONCOLOGY ] - 2023.11.01
    2. Impact of preoperative chemotherapy on pathologic nodal status in muscle-invasive bladder cancer: optimal lymphadenectomy in the preoperative chemotherapy era [ JOURNAL OF CANCER RESEARCH AND CLINICAL ONCOLOGY ] - 2022.09.01
    3. The CDK1/TFCP2L1/ID2 cascade offers a novel combination therapy strategy in a preclinical model of bladder cancer [ EXPERIMENTAL AND MOLECULAR MEDICINE ] - 2022.06.21
    4. Clinical features and oncological outcomes of primary female urethral cancer [ JOURNAL OF SURGICAL ONCOLOGY ] - 2022.04.01
    5. A retrospective multicenter comparison of conditional cancer-specific survival between laparoscopic and open radical nephroureterectomy in locally advanced upper tract urothelial carcinoma [ PLOS ONE ] - 2021.10.11
    6. Oncologic, Perioperative Outcomes of Female Radical Cystectomy: Results from a Multicenter Study in Korea [ CANCER RESEARCH AND TREATMENT ] - 2019.07.01
    7. A Prospective Randomized Comparison of a Covered Metallic Ureteral Stent and a Double-J Stent for Malignant Ureteral Obstruction [ KOREAN JOURNAL OF RADIOLOGY ] - 2018.07.01
    8. Use of the Ileum for Ureteral Stricture and Obstruction in Bilateral, Unilateral, and Single-kidney Cases [ UROLOGY ] - 2018.01.01
    9. Comparison of Hand-Assisted Laparoscopic vs Robot-Assisted Laparoscopic vs Open Partial Nephrectomy in Patients with T1 Renal Masses. [ JOURNAL OF ENDOUROLOGY ] - 2017.04.01
    10. Risk Factors Associated with Decreased Renal Function after Hand-Assisted Laparoscopic Donor Nephrectomy: A Multivariate Analysis of a Single Surgeon Experience [ International Journal of Medical Sciences ] - 2017.02.08
    11. Outcomes of patients with ureteral obstruction who achieved stent-free state following balloon dilatation. [ SCANDINAVIAN JOURNAL OF UROLOGY AND NEPHROLOGY ] - 2016.10.01
    12. Comparison of postoperative acute kidney injury between ileal conduit and neobladder urinary diversions after radical cystectomy: A propensity score matching analysis [ MEDICINE ] - 2016.09.01
    13. Ileal Augmentation Cystoplasty Combined with Ileal Ureter Replacement After Radical Treatment for Cervical Cancer [ ANNALS OF SURGICAL ONCOLOGY ] - 2016.05.01
    14. Hand-assisted laparoscopic bladder cuff excision via the same hand port as that used for nephroureterectomy [ WORLD JOURNAL OF UROLOGY ] - 2015.10.01
    15. Kidney Laterality and the Safety of Hand-assisted Live Donor Nephrectomy: Review of 1000 Consecutive Cases at a Single Center. [ UROLOGY ] - 2015.06.01
    16. Complications after polymeric and metallic ureteral stent placements including three types of fistula. [ JOURNAL OF ENDOUROLOGY ] - 2015.04.01
    17. Outcomes of stent-change therapy for bilateral malignancy-related ureteral obstruction. [ INTERNATIONAL UROLOGY AND NEPHROLOGY ] - 2015.01.28
    18. Bladder capacity in kidney transplant patients with end-stage renal disease [ INTERNATIONAL UROLOGY AND NEPHROLOGY ] - 2015.01.28
    19. A Comparative Study of Outside-In and Inside-Out Transobturator Tape Procedures for Female Stress Urinary Incontinence: 7-Year Outcomes [ LUTS-Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms ] - 2014.09.30
    20. Safety and efficacy of desmopressin for the treatment of nocturia in elderly patients: a cohort study. [ INTERNATIONAL UROLOGY AND NEPHROLOGY ] - 2014.08.01
    21. Recent trends in the treatment of testosterone deficiency syndrome. [ INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF UROLOGY ] - 2007.11.02
    22. Risk Factors of Voiding Dysfunction and Patient Satisfaction After Tension-free Vaginal Tape Procedure [ JOURNAL OF KOREAN MEDICAL SCIENCE ] - 2005.12.27
    23. Prognostic value of lymphovascular invasion in transitional cell carcinoma of upper urinary tract [ UROLOGY ] - 2005.04.01
    24. Factors predictive of urinary retention after a tension-free vaginal tape procedure for female stress urinary incontinence [ JOURNAL OF UROLOGY ] - 2003.09.01
    25. Correlation between Calculated Bioavailable Testosterone and Free Testosterone by Direct Immunoassay. [ 대한남성과학회 ] - 2003.08.02

    연구과제 수주실적

    1. Cisplatin치료에 적합한 근육 침습성 방광암 환자를 대상으로 수술전후 Enfortumab Vedotin Pembrolizumab (MK3475) 요법을 Gemcitabine과 Cisplatin 신보조 요법과 비교 평가하기 위한 제3상, 무작위배정, 라벨 공개 임상시험(KEYNOTEB15 EV304) - 2021.01.18 ~ 2026.08.31
    2. 근육 침윤성 방광암 대상자에서 선행 화학요법 니볼루맙 또는 니볼루맙과 BMS986205에, 수술 후 계속 이어지는 니볼루맙 또는 니볼루맙과 BMS986205요법을 선행 화학요법 단독과 비교하는 제3상, 무작위 배정 임상시험 - 2021.01.04 ~ 2027.06.30
    3. 방광암 줄기세포성 조절 인자 표적 치료 유효물질과 동반 진단 바이오마커들의 임상적 유의성 검증 - 2021.01.01 ~ 2021.12.31
    4. 방광암 줄기세포성 조절 인자 표적 치료 유효물질과 동반 진단 바이오마커들의 임상적 유의성 검증 - 2020.01.01 ~ 2020.12.31
    5. Cisplatin 치료에 부적합한 근육 침습성 방광암 환자를 대상으로 방광절제술 + 수술전후 Pembrolizumab 치료를 방광절제술만 실시하는 것과 비교하는 제3상 무작위배정 임상시험(KEYNOTE-905) - 2019.05.16 ~ 2026.05.29
    6. Cisplatin 치료에 적합한 근육 침습성 방광암 환자를 대상으로 수술전후 Pembrolizumab(MK-3475) + 신보조 화학요법을 수술전후 위약 + 신보조 화학요법과 비교 평가하기 위한 제3상, 무작위배정, 이중눈가림 임상시험(KEYNOTE-866) - 2019.05.16 ~ 2025.04.30
    7. 방광암 줄기세포성 조절 인자 표적 치료 유효물질과 동반 진단 바이오마커들의 임상적 유의성 검증 - 2019.05.03 ~ 2019.12.31
    8. 상부요로상피암으로 신요관적출술을 시행 받을 환자에서 방광 내 재발을 막기 위한 술 중 Gemcitabine 방광 내 주입요법의 효과 및 안전성에 대한 연구: 전향적, 임상 2상 연구 - 2019.02.28 ~ 2024.12.31
    9. 칼메트-게랭 간균(Bacillus Calmette-Guerin, BCG) 유도요법 후 지속되거나 재발한 고위험 비근육 침습성 방광암(High-risk Non-muscle Invas - 2018.11.19 ~ 2025.04.15
    10. 상부요로상피암으로 신요관적출술을 시행 받은 환자에서 방광 내 재발을 막기 위한 술 중 Gemcitabine 방광 내 주입요법의 효과 및 안전성에 대한 연구: 전향적, 임상 2상 연 - 2018.08.23 ~ 2024.12.31
    11. 요도용 생체분해성 금속 스텐트 개발 - 2013.01.01 ~ 2013.12.31
    12. 요도용 생체분해성 금속 스텐트 개발 - 2012.01.01 ~ 2013.12.31
    13. 전립선비대증 환자에서 알파차단제 치료 시 치료 전 배뇨 증상정도와 성기능정수에 따른 성기능 변화양상에 대한 연구 - 2004.09.30 ~ 2005.09.30


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