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    1. Do Death Certificate Errors Decrease as Clinical Experience in an Emergency Department Increases? [ JOURNAL OF KOREAN MEDICAL SCIENCE ] - 2024.02.26
    2. Risk factors for ground-level fall injuries during active activity in older patients [ Signa Vitae ] - 2024.02.08
    3. Modification of termination of resuscitation rule with compression time interval in South Korea [ SCIENTIFIC REPORTS ] - 2023.01.25
    4. Disparities in Survival Outcomes of Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest Patients between Urban and Rural Areas and the Identification of Modifiable Factors in an Area of South Korea [ Journal of clinical medicine ] - 2022.07.21
    5. Errors in pediatric death certificates issued in an emergency department [ 대한소아응급의학회지 ] - 2022.06.30
    6. Severe Ground Fall Injury Associated with Alcohol Consumption in Geriatric Patients [ Healthcare ] - 2022.06.15
    7. How Did the COVID-19 Pandemic Affect the Use of Emergency Medical Services by Patients Experiencing Mental Health Crises? [ Healthcare ] - 2022.04.13
    8. Factors Associated with Major Errors on Death Certificates [ Healthcare ] - 2022.04.13
    9. Does the Application of International Classification of Disease Codes for the Cause of Death on Death Certificates Reduce Garbage Codes? [ INQUIRY-THE JOURNAL OF HEALTH CARE ORGANIZATION PROVISION AND FINANCING ] - 2022.04.06
    10. 구급지도의사 간접의료지도 평가 정확도 [ 대한응급의학회지 ] - 2022.01.19
    11. Effect of Prehospital Epinephrine Use on Survival from Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest and on Emergency Medical Services [ Journal of clinical medicine ] - 2021.12.30
    12. Missed Diagnosis of Anaphylaxis in Patients With Pediatric Urticaria in the Emergency Department [ PEDIATRIC EMERGENCY CARE ] - 2021.04.01
    13. Characteristics of fall-related head injury versus non-head injury in the older adults [ BMC GERIATRICS ] - 2021.03.20
    14. 중독 관련 사망에서의 사망진단서 오류 [ 대한임상독성학회지 ] - 2020.06.30
    15. Concordance between the underlying causes of death on death certificates written by three emergency physicians [ Clinical and Experimental Emergency Medicine ] - 2019.09.30
    16. Analysis of Errors on Death Certificate for Trauma Related Death [ Journal of Trauma and Injury ] - 2019.09.30
    17. Missed Registration of Disease Codes for Pediatric Anaphylaxis at the Emergency Department [ Emergency Medicine International ] - 2019.08.14
    18. Risk factors related to unnecessary emergency medical services transport for pediatric patients [ JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL MEDICAL RESEARCH ] - 2019.01.09
    19. Unnecessary Emergency Medical Services Transports of Geriatric Patients in a Tertiary Hospital in South Korea [ International Journal of Gerontology ] - 2018.09.05
    20. Severe Injuries from Low-height Falls in the Elderly Population [ JOURNAL OF KOREAN MEDICAL SCIENCE ] - 2018.09.03
    21. Are Registration of Disease Codes for Adult Anaphylaxis Accurate in the Emergency Department? [ Allergy Asthma & Immunology Research ] - 2018.03.01
    22. Relating factors to severe injury from outdoor falls in older people [ Geriatrics & Gerontology International ] - 2018.01.17
    23. Unnecessary emergency medical services transport associated with alcohol intoxication [ JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL MEDICAL RESEARCH ] - 2018.01.12
    24. 응급실 아나필락시스 상병등록의 정확도 [ 대한임상독성학회지 ] - 2017.06.30
    25. 소아 아나필락시스 상병등록의 적절성 [ Allergy Asthma & Respiratory Diseases ] - 2017.05.31
    26. Risk factors for severe injury following indoor and outdoor falls in geriatric patients [ ARCHIVES OF GERONTOLOGY AND GERIATRICS ] - 2016.01.01
    27. 구급지도의사 간의 구급대원 구급 활동에 대한 평가 일치도 [ 대한응급의학회지 ] - 2015.10.30
    28. Characteristics of intentional fall injuries in the ED [ AMERICAN JOURNAL OF EMERGENCY MEDICINE ] - 2014.06.01
    29. Occupational fall injuries presenting to the emergency department [ Emergency Medicine Australasia ] - 2014.04.07
    30. Abdominal solid organ injury in trauma patients with pelvic bone fractures [ Ulusal Travma ve Acil Cerrahi Dergisi-Turkish Journal of Trauma & Emergency Surgery ] - 2014.03.05
    31. Factors associated with shock in anaphylaxis [ AMERICAN JOURNAL OF EMERGENCY MEDICINE ] - 2012.11.26
    32. 불안정성 골반골 골절 손상에서의 동반 복부 고형장기 손상의 임상적 특성 [ 대한외상학회 ] - 2012.03.31
    33. Factors associated with prehospital delay in acute stroke [ EMERGENCY MEDICINE JOURNAL ] - 2011.08.19
    35. Hemopericardium Following Acupuncture [ YONSEI MEDICAL JOURNAL ] - 2011.01.01
    36. 복부 고형장기 손상을 동반한 안정 골반골 골절의 특성 [ 대한외상학회 ] - 2010.12.30
    37. 외상후 발생한 복막강내, 후복막강내 고형장기 손상의 임상적 특성 [ 대한응급의학회지 ] - 2010.10.29
    38. 벌독에 의한 아나필락시스 쇼크 발생의 예측인자 [ 대한임상독성학회지 ] - 2010.06.30
    39. 국내 남동 해안지역의 음식물 관련 아나필락시스의 임상 양상 [ 천식 및 알레르기 ] - 2010.06.30

    연구과제 수주실적

    1. 2024년도 응급실 손상환자 표본심층조사 (자살, 중독, 추락 및 낙상 심층) - 2024.01.01 ~ 2024.12.31
    2. 2023년도 응급실 손상환자 심층조사(자살, 중독, 추락 및 낙상 심층) - 2023.01.01 ~ 2023.12.31
    3. (1차년도) 현장체류시간 단축이 병원밖심정지 환자의 생존에 미치는 영향 - 2022.07.01 ~ 2023.06.30
    4. 2022년도 응급실 손상환자 표본심층조사(자살, 중독, 추락 및 낙상 심층) - 2022.01.01 ~ 2022.12.31
    5. 2021년도 응급실 손상환자 심층조사(자살, 중독, 추락 및 낙상 심층) - 2021.01.01 ~ 2021.12.31
    6. 노인에서 낙상에 의한 두부 손상의 특성 및 중증 손상에 영향을 미치는 인자 - 2020.09.28 ~ 2021.10.31
    7. 중독 관련 사망에서의 사망진단서 오류 - 2020.05.08 ~ 2020.09.29
    8. 구급지도의사 간접의료지도 평가 일치도 연구 - 2020.04.20 ~ 2021.04.19
    9. 2020년 응급실 손상환자 심층조사 (자살, 중독, 추락 및 낙상 심층) - 2020.01.01 ~ 2020.12.31
    10. 2019년 응급실 손상환자 심층조사 (자살, 중독, 추락 및 낙상 심층) - 2019.01.01 ~ 2019.12.31
    11. 2018년 응급실 손상환자 심층조사 (자살, 중독, 추락 및 낙상 심층) - 2018.01.01 ~ 2018.12.31
    12. 2017년 응급실 손상환자 심층조사 (자살, 중독, 추락 및 낙상 심층) - 2017.01.01 ~ 2017.12.31
    13. 2016년도 응급실 손상환자 표본심층조사 (자살, 중독, 추락 및 낙상 심층) - 2016.01.01 ~ 2016.12.31
    14. 2014년도 응급실 손상환자 표본심층조사 (자살, 중독, 추락 및 낙상 심층)(2) - 2014.01.01 ~ 2014.12.31
    15. 2013년도 응급실 손상환자 표본심층조사 (자살, 중독, 추락 및 낙상 심층) - 2013.01.01 ~ 2013.12.31


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