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    1. Performance of the EDACS-ADP incorporating highsensitivity troponin assay: Do components of major adverse cardiac events matter? [ WORLD JOURNAL OF EMERGENCY MEDICINE ] - 2024.01.31
    2. Computed tomography coronary angiography after excluding myocardial infarction: high-sensitivity troponin versus risk score-guided approach [ WORLD JOURNAL OF EMERGENCY MEDICINE ] - 2023.11.01
    3. Modification of HEART Pathway for Patients With Chest Pain: A Korean Perspective [ Korean Circulation Journal ] - 2023.09.01
    4. Performance analysis considering endpoints for three accelerated diagnostic protocols for chest pain [ AMERICAN JOURNAL OF EMERGENCY MEDICINE ] - 2023.02.01
    5. Comparison of the CAD consortium and updated Diamond-Forrester scores for predicting obstructive coronary artery disease [ AMERICAN JOURNAL OF EMERGENCY MEDICINE ] - 2021.05.01
    6. Modification of the HEART pathway by adding coronary computed tomography angiography for patients suspected of acute coronary syndrome in the emergency department [ Internal and Emergency Medicine ] - 2021.03.11
    7. External validation of the emergency department assessment of chest pain score accelerated diagnostic pathway (EDACS-ADP) [ AMERICAN JOURNAL OF EMERGENCY MEDICINE ] - 2020.11.01
    8. Identifying low-risk chest pain in the emergency department: Obstructive coronary artery disease and major adverse cardiac events [ AMERICAN JOURNAL OF EMERGENCY MEDICINE ] - 2020.09.01
    9. Risk stratification of patients with chest pain or anginal equivalents in the emergency department. [ Internal and Emergency Medicine ] - 2020.03.15
    10. Factors prognostic of ruptured hepatocellular carcinoma presenting to the emergency department [ 대한응급의학회지 ] - 2019.12.31
    11. Validation of the EPIPHANY index for predicting risk of serious complications in cancer patients with incidental pulmonary embolism [ SUPPORTIVE CARE IN CANCER ] - 2018.10.01
    12. Comparison of the MASCC and CISNE scores for identifying low-risk neutropenic fever patients: analysis of data from three emergency departments of cancer centers in three continents [ SUPPORTIVE CARE IN CANCER ] - 2018.05.01
    13. Predictors of good neurologic outcome after resuscitation beyond 30 min in out-of-hospital cardiac arrest patients undergoing therapeutic hypothermia [ INTERNAL AND EMERGENCY MEDICINE ] - 2018.04.08
    14. Sodium bicarbonate on severe metabolic acidosis during prolonged cardiopulmonary resuscitation: a double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled pilot study [ JOURNAL OF THORACIC DISEASE ] - 2018.04.01
    15. Prognostic Value of Treatment Setting in Patients With Cancer Having Pulmonary Embolism: Comparison With the Pulmonary Embolism Severity Index [ CLINICAL AND APPLIED THROMBOSIS-HEMOSTASIS ] - 2017.09.01
    16. Predictive performance of the quick Sequential Organ Failure Assessment score as a screening tool for sepsis, mortality, and intensive care unit admission in patients with febrile neutropenia. [ SUPPORTIVE CARE IN CANCER ] - 2017.05.01
    17. Clinically significant hemodynamic alterations after propacetamol injection in the emergency department: prevalence and risk factors. [ Internal and Emergency Medicine ] - 2017.04.01
    18. Clinical Importance of the Heel Drop Test and a New Clinical Score for Adult Appendicitis [ PLoS One ] - 2016.10.10
    19. Patterns and injuries associated with orbital wall fractures in elderly patients who visited the emergency room: a retrospective case?control study [ BMJ OPEN ] - 2016.09.19
    20. The impact of downtime on neurologic intact survival in patients with targeted temperature management after out-of-hospital cardiac arrest: National multicenter cohort study [ RESUSCITATION ] - 2016.08.01
    21. Contrast-induced nephropathy in patients with active cancer undergoing contrast-enhanced computed tomography [ SUPPORTIVE CARE IN CANCER ] - 2016.03.15

    연구과제 수주실적

    1. 흉통으로 응급실을 방문한 환자에서 관상동맥협착 및 주요심장합병증 발생에 관한 저위험군의 확인을 위한 모형의 검증 - 2021.03.01 ~ 2022.08.31


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