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저자명 구분 논문제목 ISSN IF 발행일자
박홍주 SCIE Serial histological changes in the cartilaginous eustachian tube in the rat following balloon dilation 1932-6203 3.240 2022-05-25
송진우 SCIE Impact of the revised definition on incidence and outcomes of acute exacerbation of idiopathic pulmonary fibro 2045-2322 4.379 2022-05-25
홍수종 SCIE Food allergy in early childhood increases the risk of oral allergy syndrome in schoolchildren: A birth cohort study 0905-6157 6.377 2022-05-24
이재호 SSCI Digital Health Profile of South Korea: A Cross Sectional Study 1660-4601 3.390 2022-05-23
엄대운 SCIE Identification of New Prognostic Markers and Therapeutic Targets for Non-Muscle Invasive Bladder Cancer: HER2 as a Potential Target Antigen 1664-3224 7.561 2022-05-23
김수산 SCIE The patterns and spatial locations of local recurrence in breast cancer with implant-based reconstruction after mastectomy 0167-8140 6.280 2022-05-22
박진훈 SCIE A retrospective controlled study of postoperative fever after posterior lumbar interbody fusion due to degenerative lumbar disease 0025-7974 1.889 2022-05-20
김호철 SCIE Baseline serum Krebs von den Lungen-6 as a biomarker for the disease progression in idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis 2045-2322 4.379 2022-05-20
이범희 SCIE Identification of a novel therapeutic target underlying atypical manifestation of Gaucher disease 2001-1326 11.492 2022-05-20
김재용 SCIE Relationship Between Tamsulosin Use and Surgical Complications of Cataract Surgery in Elderly Patients: Population-based Cohort Study 2296-858X 5.091 2022-05-19
이윤세 SCIE Risk Stratification of Dysphagia After Surgical Treatment of Hypopharyngeal Cancer 2296-875X 2.718 2022-05-19
이재호 SSCI Investigation of usability problems of electronic medical record systems in the emergency department 1051-9815 1.505 2022-05-19
성창옥 SCIE PRRX1 is a master transcription factor of stromal fibroblasts for myofibroblastic lineage progression 2041-1723 14.919 2022-05-19
임영석 SCIE Increasing on-treatment hepatocellular carcinoma risk with decreasing baseline viral load in HBeAg-positive chronic hepatitis B 0021-9738 14.808 2022-05-16
정종우 SCIE Endoscopic Ear Surgery for Congenital Cholesteatoma in Children 1308-7649 1.017 2022-05-16
신지훈 SCIE Transcatheter Arterial Embolization for Benign Chronic Inflammatory Joint Pain: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis 1051-0443 3.464 2022-05-15
김진형 SCIE Surgical Resection plus Intraoperative Radiofrequency Ablation versus Chemoembolization for the Treatment of Intermediate-Stage (BCLC B) Hepatocellular Carcinoma with Preserved Liver Function: A Propensity Score-Matched Analysis 2072-6694 6.639 2022-05-15
변정식 SCIE The Influence of Face Shields on the Quality of Colonoscopy in the Era of the COVID-19 Pandemic 1976-2283 4.519 2022-05-15
송태준 SCIE Prognosis and Clinical Characteristics of Patients with Pancreatic Ductal Adenocarcinoma Diagnosed by Endoscopic Ultrasonography but Indeterminate on Computed Tomography 1976-2283 4.519 2022-05-15
송태준 SCIE The impact of preoperative EUS-FNA for distal resectable pancreatic cancer: Is it really effective enough to take risks? 0930-2794 4.584 2022-05-15