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    1. Enhancing local recurrence detection in patients with high-grade soft tissue sarcoma: value of short-term Ultrasonography added to post-operative MRI surveillance [ CANCER IMAGING ] - 2024.01.19
    2. Diagnostic performance of computed tomography and diffusion-weighted imaging as first-line imaging modality according to the International Myeloma Working Group (IMWG) imaging algorithm for monoclonal plasma cell disorders [ ACTA RADIOLOGICA ] - 2022.05.01
    3. Comprehensive Updates in the Role of Imaging for Multiple Myeloma Management Based on Recent International Guidelines [ KOREAN JOURNAL OF RADIOLOGY ] - 2021.09.01
    4. Differences between 3D isovoxel fat suppression VIBE MRI and CT models of proximal femur osseous anatomy: A preliminary study for bone tumor resection planning [ PLOS ONE ] - 2021.04.30
    5. Radiofrequency ablation using injectable cooled electrode: the effects of lidocaine injection in ex vivo study [ ACTA RADIOLOGICA ] - 2020.02.01
    6. Risk Factors for Diagnostic Failure of Ultrasound-Guided Core Needle Biopsy of Soft-Tissue Tumors Based on World Health Organization Classification Category and Biologic Potential [ AMERICAN JOURNAL OF ROENTGENOLOGY ] - 2020.02.01
    7. Dedifferentiated liposarcoma of the musculoskeletal system: expanded MR imaging spectrum from predominant fatty mass to non-fatty mass [ ACTA RADIOLOGICA ] - 2019.11.01
    8. Distinguishing necrotizing from non-necrotizing fasciitis: a new predictive scoring integrating MRI in the LRINEC score [ EUROPEAN RADIOLOGY ] - 2019.07.01
    9. Added value of diffusion-weighted imaging to conventional MRI for predicting fascial involvement of soft tissue sarcomas [ EUROPEAN RADIOLOGY ] - 2019.04.01
    10. Practical Guidelines for Ultrasound-Guided Core Needle Biopsy of Soft-Tissue Lesions: Transformation from Beginner to Specialist. [ KOREAN JOURNAL OF RADIOLOGY ] - 2017.03.01
    11. Comparison of MRI and PET-CT in detecting the loco-regional recurrence of soft tissue sarcomas during surveillance. [ SKELETAL RADIOLOGY ] - 2016.10.01
    12. Tumoral pseudogout of the proximal interphalangeal joint of a finger: a case report and literature review [ SKELETAL RADIOLOGY ] - 2016.07.01
    13. Imaging findings of various talus bone tumors?clinico?radiologic features of talus bone tumors [ CLINICAL IMAGING ] - 2016.07.01
    14. Small Musculoskeletal Soft-Tissue Lesions: US-guided Core Needle Biopsy?Comparative Study of Diagnostic Yields according to Lesion Size [ RADIOLOGY ] - 2016.01.11
    15. Ultrasonography-guided radiofrequency ablation of malignant musculoskeletal soft-tissue tumors using the "moving-shot" technique at a single-institution experience. [ Ultrasound Quarterly ] - 2014.12.01
    16. Encapsulated fat necrosis mimicking subcutaneous liposarcoma: radiologic findings on MR, PET-CT, and US imaging [ SKELETAL RADIOLOGY ] - 2013.10.01
    17. Cystic changes in desmoplastic fibroma of bone: A new MR finding [ CLINICAL RADIOLOGY ] - 2012.12.01
    18. MRI to differentiate benign from malignant soft tissue tumors of the extremities: A simplified systematic imaging approach using depth, size and heterogeneity of signal intensity [ BRITISH JOURNAL OF RADIOLOGY ] - 2012.10.01
    19. Musculoskeletal Magnetic Resonance Imaging Suggesting the Possibility of Liposarcoma: Correlation Between Radiologists’ Certainty of Diagnosis and Pathology Results [ JOURNAL OF COMPUTER ASSISTED TOMOGRAPHY ] - 2011.08.03
    20. Longitudinal split of the posterior cruciate ligament: description of a new MR finding and evaluation of its potential clinical significance [ CLINICAL RADIOLOGY ] - 2011.03.03
    21. Lipoma arborescens of the glenohumeral joint causing bone erosion: MRI features with gadolinium enhancement [ SKELETAL RADIOLOGY ] - 2009.08.15
    22. Central hole tear of the discoid meniscus of the knee in magnetic resonance imaging: mimciking the bucket-handle tear [ JOURNAL OF COMPUTER ASSISTED TOMOGRAPHY ] - 2009.01.05
    23. MR imaging of stable posterior cruciate ligament grafts in 21 arthroscopically proven cases [ KOREAN JOURNAL OF RADIOLOGY ] - 2007.10.01
    24. MRI findings of giant cell tumors of the spine [ AMERICAN JOURNAL OF ROENTGENOLOGY ] - 2007.07.02
    25. Anterior Cruciate Ligament Tear: Reliability of MR Imaging to Predict Stability after Conservative Treatment [ KOREAN JOURNAL OF RADIOLOGY ] - 2007.06.04

    연구과제 수주실적

    1. 악성 림프증식성 질환 환자에서 전신자기공명영상의 임상유용성 확립을 위한 코호트 연구 - 2017.03.14 ~ 2018.10.31


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