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    1. 견관절의 유착성 관절낭염 [ 대한영상의학회지 ] - 2021.11.01
    2. Ultrasound-guided steroid injection for the treatment of de Quervain’s disease: an anatomy-based approach [ SKELETAL RADIOLOGY ] - 2018.11.01
    3. An unrecognized forign body retained in the calcaneus: a case report [ 대한영상의학회지 ] - 2017.06.01
    4. Diagnostic accuracy of 3T conventional shoulder MRI in the detection of the long head of the biceps tendon tears associated with rotator cuff tendon tears [ SKELETAL RADIOLOGY ] - 2016.12.01
    5. Ultrasonography for nerve compression syndromes of the upper extremity [ ULTRASONOGRAPHY ] - 2015.10.01
    6. Metal artifact reduction with MAVRIC SL at 3T MRI in patients with hip arthroplasty [ AMERICAN JOURNAL OF ROENTGENOLOGY ] - 2015.01.15
    7. Ectopic Insertion of the Pectoralis Minor Tendon: Inter-Reader Agreement and findings in the Rotator Interval on MRI [ KOREAN JOURNAL OF RADIOLOGY ] - 2014.11.07
    8. De Quervain disease: US indentification of anatomic variations in the first extensor compartment with an emphasis on subcompartmentalization [ RADIOLOGY ] - 2011.08.01
    9. Cervical Transforaminal Epidural Steroid Injection(TFESI): Role of MR imaging and Epidurography [ 대한영상의학회지 ] - 2011.01.31
    10. Calcifying Aponeurotic fibroma with osseous involvement of the finger : a case report with radiologic and US findings [ KOREAN JOURNAL OF RADIOLOGY ] - 2008.02.01
    11. The use of magnetic resonance imaging to predict the clinical outcome of non-surgical treatment for lumbar intervertebral disc herniation [ KOREAN JOURNAL OF RADIOLOGY ] - 2007.04.01
    12. Non-Contiguous Spinal injury in Cervical spinal Trauma: Evaluation with Cervical spine MRI [ KOREAN JOURNAL OF RADIOLOGY ] - 2004.03.01

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