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저자명 구분 논문제목 ISSN IF 발행일자
이철환 SCI Comparison of the efficacy and safety of zotarolimus-, sirolimus-, and paclitaxel-eluting stents in patients with ST-elevation myocardial infarction 0002-9149 3.905 2009-11-15
박승정 SCI Comparison of the efficacy and safety of zotarolimus-, sirolimus-, and paclitaxel-eluting stents in patients with ST-elevation myocardial infarction 0002-9149 3.905 2009-11-15
장용주 SCI Rhinoplasty to correct nasal deformities in postseptoplasty patients 1050-6586 2.302 2009-11-15
임호준 SCIE Cytomegalovirus infection in children who underwent hematopoietic stem cell transplantation at a single center: a retrospective study of the risk factors. 1397-3142 1.862 2009-11-15
김장한 SCI Changes in the Organ Procurement System in South Korea: Effects on Brain-Dead Donor Numbers 0041-1345 1.005 2009-11-14
장성은 SCI Expression of neuropeptides and their degrading enzymes in ACD 0307-6938 1.8 2009-11-10
장세진 SCI Clinicopathological Characteristics and Predictive Markers of Early Gastric Cancer with Recurrence 10118934 0.993 2009-11-09
채희동 KCI등재 새로운 호르몬 요법- Drospirenone 1225-4908 2009-11-07
박기영 KCI등재 소아의 영양 평가-소아 신체계측과 생화학적 지표의 특성을 중심으로 hosp0058 2009-11-06
고윤석 SCI Association of mannose-binding lectin-2 genotype and serum levels with prognosis of sepsis 1466-609X 4.607 2009-11-05
고정민 SCI Association of IL-15 Polymorphisms with Bone Mineral Density in Postmenopausal Korean Women. 0171-967X 2.376 2009-11-05
김경원 SCI Right Hepatic Vein Stenosis at Anastomosis in Patients after Living Donor Liver Transplantation: Optimal Doppler US Venous Pulsatility Index and CT Criteria-Receiver Operating Characteristic Analysis 00338419 5.726 2009-11-02
김경원 SCI Hepatofugal Portal Flow on Doppler Sonography in Various Pathological Conditions: A Pictorial Essay 00912751 0.806 2009-11-02
최한석 SCI Improving Virtual Screening Performance against Conformational Variations of Receptors by Shape Matching with Ligand Binding Pocket 15499596 4.675 2009-11-02
이규형 SCI Generation of donor natural killer cells from CD34(+) progenitor cells and subsequent infusion after HLA-mismatched allogeneic hematopoietic cell transplantation: a feasibility study 0268-3369 3.746 2009-11-02
성규보 SCI Transcatheter arterial chemoembolization for hepatocellular carcinoma after attempted portal vein embolization in 25 patients. 0361-803X 2.775 2009-11-01
성규보 SCI Transvenous variceal embolization during or after living-donor liver transplantation to improve portal venous flow. 1051-0443 2.075 2009-11-01
최종우 SCI Inferiorly Based Postauricular Periosteofascial Flap for Reconstruction of Intractable Small Postauricular Periosteofascial Flap for Reconstruction of Intractable Small Postauricular Defects 1049-2275 0.822 2009-11-01
이진혁 SCIE Unchanging trend of esophagogastric junction adenocarcinoma in Korea: experience at a single institution based on Siewert's classification 1120-8694 1.814 2009-11-01
장성은 SCIE Reduced mitochondrial properties in putative progenitor/stem cells of human keratinocytes 1013-9087 0.531 2009-11-01